Danville Found to Be the Safest City in California

Danville CA, safest place in America

SafeWise recently published a list of the safest cities in California, and we were both surprised and delighted to find that Danville came out on top.

Danville CA has a total population of 44,897 and according to the 2016 FBI crime report statistics, it has 0.20 violent crimes per 1,000 people, and 8.13 property crimes per 1,000 people. Yes, you read that right!

Their review process was fair and eliminated all margin for error. The information was obtained straight from FBI’s crime report statistics for 2016, and the numbers were divided by the city’s population to get crimes per thousand people – so bigger cities didn’t automatically shoot to the top because of their higher total. Cities that fell below a predetermined population threshold were left off the list.

The evaluation was chiefly based on the number of violent crimes per 1000 people, unless in case of a tie – when property crimes were brought into consideration as well. So in other words, Danville is the safest city in California in terms of violent crime. SafeWise included aggravated assault, murder, rape, and robbery under the umbrella of violent crime.

According to SafeWise: “Not only is Danville the safest city in California, it also has the lowest rate of violent crime, reporting a mere 0.20 crimes of this type for every 1,000 people. That’s nearly 96% lower than the national average.” Woah!

The first runner-up was Murrieta, in Southern California. It had a violent crime rate of 0.44 per 1,000 people, and property crimes were 14.44 per 1,000. So, close to double that in Danville!

Another note-worthy city on their list is Rancho Santa Margarita, which had only 5.38 property crimes per thousand people – the lowest on the list.

Danville’s neighbors San Ramon and Walnut Creek also made it to the list, with San Ramon coming third, and Walnut Creek twenty-third.

Another major finding was that Southern California was safer than Northern California, with 31 cities on the top 50 list being in the southern part of the state, while only 19 cities from the northern part made it to the top 50. Of the 19 cities from North California, 16 are in the Bay Area.

So if you’ve been thinking of moving here, you’re thinking along the right lines! Stay tuned for more such posts, and to find out the best (of everything!) in Danville CA.



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