Ocean Appreciation & Coastal Cleanup Family Farm Day
September 21, 2019
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Muir Beach
2025 Shoreline Hwy. Muir Beach, CA 94965
The day will include ocean-inspired art projects, goat milking, visiting our chickens, ducks and turkeys and an ocean-garden cooking project to steward our environment and resist the scourge of marine pollution. Please bring a picnic lunch and work gloves, if you have them.
Fee: $35 per person; children 24 months and under are free! Purchase Tickets Here!
Honor the waterways and ocean by taking part in the 35th annual California Coastal Cleanup Day. Slide Ranch is one of over a thousand sites, both inland and coastal, that are hosting an organized cleanup to steward our environment and resist the scourge of marine pollution. Team up with us to clean up the coast at Slide Ranch and protect the ocean. The day will also include ocean-inspired art projects, goat milking, visiting our chickens, ducks and turkeys and an ocean-garden cooking project. Please bring a picnic lunch and work gloves, if you have them.
Located at, Slide Ranch: 2025 Shoreline Highway, Muir Beach