9/11 Remembrance Events
We all remember that tragic day and where we were at the time. Let’s Never Forget about the people who lost their lives that day or a loved one.
Dan Mullan of Danville lost a loving cousin, Michael Mullan. A New York City firefighter responded to a mayday call from firefighters trapped inside the World Trade Center’s North Tower…..He never came out.
Deena Burnett of San Ramon lost her husband on that day, and their three daughters(ages 3 & 5 at the time) also lost a father. Thomas Burnett of San Ramon, vice president and chief operating officer of Thoratec Corporation in Pleasanton, was aboard United Airlines Flight 93.
Burnett and several other passengers stormed the cockpit, foiling the hijackers’ plan to crash the plane into the White House or Capitol Building. To prevent the passengers from taking control of the plane, the hijackers crashed it in a Pennsylvania field, killing everyone on board.
Our nation still mourns the 2,977 people killed in the attack, and the first responders who eventually died from 9/11-related illnesses. It will take many more years for most to overcome the horrors of that day. Here are some 9/11 Remembrances to attend:
The Exchange Club of San Ramon Valley, 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, Oak Hill Park, Danville
The event begins promptly at 4:20 pm with a flyover and will end at 5:30 pm. The speaker will be retired, Major David Yuers, who previously worked in the Pentagon and as Air Force Reserve Deputy Director and Operations Officer for the U.S. Strategic Command Joint Reserve Intelligence Support Element. Don’t miss the performance from the Monte Vista High School choir and speakers in police and fire. San Ramon Valley students are invited to participate in an essay program for cash prices of up to $500 for high school students, $300 for middle school students, and $100 for elementary school students.
Alameda County 9/11 Memoria Ceremony, Alameda Fairgrounds
Alameda County District 1 Supervisor David Haubert will be hosting a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony. This 20th-Anniversary Ceremony will be on Saturday, September 11th, from 10:00 AM–11:00 AM at the Alameda County Fairgrounds Amphitheatre, 4501 Pleasanton Ave., Enter at Yellow Gate on Pleasanton Avenue. Please park at the ACE Train Parking lot. This is a FREE event, however, you can register here.
BBQ For Veterans & First Responders on 9/11, Foster City
Veterans and First Responders are invited to a FREE lunch
of Beef Tri-Tip BBQ and all the fixings
(Be prepared to show us your creds!) Everyone is invited to come and share a meal with our special guests.
A donation of $12 is greatly appreciated.
(or PREPAY Donation of $10 by SEPT 10 and reserve your meal). All donations, gratefully accepted, will support our Veteran’ activities, including our third annual Veterans’ Stand Down by the Bay
scheduled for June 2022.
Reserve your seat here. The location is at AAAAA Rent-A-Space, 1221 East Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City.